Sunday 19 February 2017

week 20: story 40


Twitter accounts really are echo chambers, study finds

This article talks about a study conducted by the think tank Demos which surveyed 2000 twitter users who supported different UK political parties. They found that twitter is just an online echo-chamber where people supporting a specific political party follow and retweet items related to or in support of their political party. However, for UKIP members they found that they would stray from the far right of UK politics to the far right of some US groups which have been criticised many times for their circulation of fake news.

I believe that this is true as people tend to have this tunnel vision when it comes to politics and aren't willing to listen to other peoples opinions. Also, the highly partisan nature of political parties in the UK could be the driving force behind the reasons why supporters of the party retweet and tweet about their party without considering the arguments from other parties. 

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