Friday 3 February 2017

week 18: story 36

Fox News deletes false Québec shooting tweet after Canadian PM's office steps in

This article looks at how Fox news, one of Americas largest news institution, posted a false tweet and had to be told to delete it. This also links to identities in the media and links to the orientalist theory by Said. This all links to the Quebec mosque shooting as two people were detained, one white french Canadian and another Moroccan man. The Moroccan man was released as a witness but Fox news still Tweeted how he was still detained and was a suspect. This tweet was regarding no factual information that this man was still in Police custody. This shows us how racial stereotypes happen in the media and we assume less of from the people in the east, this further intensifies the divide.

Even though Fox is such a large institution they can still make simple mistakes. Although it was unintentional and they did not mean to spread a fake story there should still be rigorous fact checking in place for these large institutions, especially on social media because once a post it out there it is likely that even though it has been deleted it would've had an impact and been spread. 

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