Sunday 19 February 2017

week 20: story 39

With the power of online transparency, together we can beat fake news

This article talks about some of the fake news incidences this year and how it has grown so much in recent years and finally in 2017 people seem to be taking some notice and want to do something about it. Also the article says that since the invention of the internet there has always been something 'fake' whether that be via scams or fake emails, its just this misleading information has always existed and its just been brushed off and ignored 
until it got worse and worse.

I believe that fake news is something that will be difficult to eradicate and a more suitable solution would be to educate people to be able to spot fake news and not to become influenced by it. Online transparency is something very difficult to achieve so this approach may not work as it wouldn't just reveal fake news but most likely breach people's personal information.

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