Tuesday 25 April 2017

MEST3 Section A: revision task

Task 1: List 10 stories/debates/examples that you could use for the Identities and the Media question. 

  1. Orientalism, them and us for identities. Comparing the East and the West or if the theme is  about western media then it could compare different class gaps or western and eastern Europe. This could link to a question about alternative views.
  2. https://www.theguardian.com/media/2015/nov/24/1in5muslims-sun-front-page-muslims-twitter-mocks  shows how Muslims mocked the front cover of the Sun with the help of social media and were able to create a hashtag and unite against the discrimination they were facing.
  3. https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2016/dec/22/british-values-and-the-notion-of-identity I identify far more as a citizen of London, or indeed my local borough, than as “British” this quote from the article looks at how diverse the UK has become but also how separated it is
  4. http://www.aljazeera.com/news/europe/2015/01/qa-marine-le-pen-france-islam-2015113123524709520.html  this interview conducted by Al Jazeera, an Arab funded news agency, was done with Marine Le Pen, the former French NF leader and she gave her views on whether Islam was compatible with French values, 
  5. "AJ: Do you believe then that, at a certain level, Islam as a religion is in some ways incompatible with French values? "
    "Le Pen: There are some who believe that secularism and Islam are not compatible. But Muslims should show everyone that this is not the case. It's up to them to show that you can be French and Muslim and still respect secular rules.And for that we have to oppose all demands that aim to shatter secularism - demands for different clothes, demands for special food, demands for prayer rooms. Demands that create special rules that would allow Muslims to behave differently."
  6. http://josephlmest3.blogspot.co.uk/2017/02/identities-feminist-theory-and-blog-task.html  Butler notes that feminists rejected the idea that biology is destiny, but then developed an account of patriarchal culture which assumed that masculine and feminine genders would inevitably be built, by culture, upon 'male' and 'female' bodies.Feminism had made a mistake by trying to assert that 'women' were a group with common characteristics and interests. That approach, Butler said, performed 'an unwitting regulation and reification of gender relations' -- reinforcing a binary view of gender relations in which human beings are divided into two clear-cut groups, women and men. Rather than opening up possibilities for a person to form and choose their own individual identity
  7. Post colonial Britain and the stereotypes that have been created, this links to the theorists of Medhurst, who stated stereotypes can be created on short hand and this is done through TV shows and advertisements, another theorist stated that stereotypes are often true and positive, Tessa Perkins. Levi Strauss also said that texts can have dominant and preferred readings as some things are left out and others included meaning representations are formed by ideology. 
  8. Laura Bates everyday sexism project, gives people a voice to share with people making them stronger and helping people unite against a cause, mainly for women seeking support for issues with harassment.
  9. Feminism and Gender roles, how they are formed, either biologically or through social interaction 
  10. Killbourne, how the media objectifies women by placing pressure on them to maintain a certain standard like the women in magazines. The representation of women in the media is so mediated that it provides young women and others a highly over-exaggerated representation of them. For women it makes them believe they to can look like the women they see on TV or in magazines but its just false hope because women in the media and in fashion magazines are took apart and put back together again with impossible features. Killbourne talks about airbrushing in the digital age and how one image of one women can actually be made up of several women and the editors pick out the best features
  11. Black lives matter, one of the biggest movements in the 2016 to stand up against police brutality and a cause that shouldn't have to be known in the 21st century.
Task 2: List 10 stories/debates/examples that you could use for the New/Digital Media question.

  1. Marxism & Pluralism: Alain de Botton on the news= he says that there is a plethora of news and that the same stuff keeps being circulated round and round and that we as an audience must recognize this. I also agreed about how with new and digital media that hierarchical structures in newspapers were being broken down, for example on front pages of newspapers and online news sites celebrity news and gossip can make headlines and maybe more political and 'important stuff' is placed further back.
  2. http://josephlmest3.blogspot.co.uk/2016/11/week-12-story-23.html New Zealand newspaper merger,The two largest News organisations in New Zealand (NZME and Fairfax Media) are deciding to merge together to rise up against lower advertising revenues and falling newspaper sales. This would indefinitely give them much more control which isn’t necessarily a bad thing because in a time where the internet is rife with click bait stories and hoaxes it may be beneficial for an audience to start consuming acceptable news. This can be linked to Gramsci’s theory on hegemony as in this case a large media organisation is in control and therefore can influence other classes and groups and especially in the age of the digital revolution where people don’t know what news to trust they may start going back to traditional media platforms like Broadcast and when they do they may accept the values and ideologies as common sense once more
  3. BBC sets up team to debunk fake news, The BBC plans to work with Facebook who have also pledged to tackle fake news to help users identify fake news and report/flag it. The team plans to create a fact checking service, they also plan to invest close to £300 million in researching into new languages to expand its data journalism to make news of better quality.
  4. Daily Mail publisher turns to price rise to counter advertising slump, This article from the telegraph tells us that early last year the Daily Mail were set to increase the price of their newspaper by 5p. Since then Newspaper sales have gone into further decline and the Daily Mail has decreased it's circulation of newspapers meaning the price increase wasn't necessary because a fall in newspaper sales was inevitable the price increase just sped things up. A reason why prices were increased was because of a 12% fall in advertising revenues, therefore they needed to make up the lost revenue somewhere.
  5. Cultural Imperialism Theory states that Western nations dominate the media around the world which in return has a powerful effect on Third World Cultures by imposing n them Western views and therefore destroying their native cultures, this can also be linked to theory by Said on orientalism and the debate of them and us.
  6. Newspapers: The effect of online technology, The Evening standard was one of the only top newspapers to increase its distribution and since June 2013 it has done so by almost 27% and this is quite a large jump considering other companies like the Wales on Sunday decreased circulation by 27%. I think that the Evening standard has noticed the decline in the number of newspaper being sold daily and have tried to fill a gap. This may work because if they supply to shops in such abundance then people who don't really have a preference may decide to pick up the most "popular" one.
  7. Revenues from TV advertising exceeds $5bn for the first time..., The TV advertising market has once again gotten larger as more companies are spending more money on advertising. It is the fifth consecutive year that money spent on TV advertising has risen. Big spender include companies like Google and Facebook with spending going into the Billions. The figures are based on the UK TV market for last year.Facebook spent close £11mil on advertising
    Sky totalled up around 22bn views on advertisements. Advertising on TV is now 30% cheaper than it was 10 years ago.
  8. The effect of NDM on the film distribution and exhibition industry, Entertainment films and the factors involved in looking into NDM as a new platform which helps it find success in the industry but also provides new challenges like piracy. 
  9. NDM News: Citizen journalism, how new and digital media has changed the way people share news and opinions with people smartphones and social media work in synergy with each other to create a realistic view of society, people see this as more trustworthy 
  10. Marxism vs Pluralism and who is control of our media. New technology has provided the platform, bring in the argument for Pareto's law

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