Thursday 16 June 2016

L2 catch up

Whats wrong with the Internet ?

How is the internet killing our culture?

Ten years ago we would have sent physical letters to everyone but now some children growing up may never send a letter through the post but see e-mail as part of their culture, similarly with phone calls from landlines and face to face talking with other people has become less prominent in this age and instant messaging services and video conferencing has become a bigger part of our culture and as a result has killed the older; traditional ways.

Problems with exposing children to explicit content

 —A report on BBC News Online 2
 —An article on Wikipedia 4
— A film review in the comments section on IMDB 5
— An academic paper available at a US University website 3

— An online study published by OFCOM 1

Who to trust?

Agree closely with the figures as i to haven't been shown how to judge the accuracy on information on the internet.

Wednesday 15 June 2016


The article is about online surveillance and how companies and Government use 'data mining' among other means to access personal information on peoples social media accounts to sell to advertising companies in order to make a profit. The first page of the article features a news story on a school in America using webcams to spy on students and goes onto mention more subtle ways that people are spied on online. Moreover, the article then progresses to talk about 'edward snowdon' who is infamous for leaking information about the british and american governments spying operations on millions of yahoo users, among other things. The article ends by talking about how advances in technology will carry a greater risk of personal information being stolen and surveyed by unwanted guests.

In my opinion internet surveillance is necessary to some extent to protect users against threats and to thwart attacks but when this is done covertly on innocent members of the public the operation becomes unethical. Despite this people still use the internet everyday knowing that their activity is being monitored by various different parties, and this is because the internet has become one of the most important tools in modern day-to-life.

Thursday 9 June 2016


Living and learning article

This article spoke about two researchers going into a school to analyse and look at how a group of year 9 students interacted and used digital media to enhance their education at home and school. It also looked at them developing relationships through social media websites. They had to make sure what they were doing was "ethical" and that it didn't evade peoples privacy but as it turned out they saw that the year 9's accepted them into their social group and grew more fond of them then parents or teachers as the researchers had an un-judgemental view of what they did online. They also looked at the impact students using social media had on the ability of teachers to freely post what they wanted.

Periscope article

In the article is talks about things that are wrong with it and how it is a burden to society but it also talks about the potential benefits to be had from it. Periscope has a large problem with peoples privacy and users continue to breach copy right infringements, but worst of all it can humiliate people with bullying being spurred on my online viewers. Periscope also offers advantages such as how it can people in education, for example if a student is absent then the lesson can be streamed through periscope so the student doesn't miss out.


The essay gave great examples of what Spotify is used for and how it encourages user interactivity. It also mentioned the type of audiences that may use the service. There was also a strong use of theory which was added in and worked well with the essay and didn't disturb the fluency of it.

How has digital media changed your life in the past 5 years?

5 years ago i hadn't heard of Instagram, twitter, Myspace, LinkedIn or snapchat. 5 years ago was my first interaction with social media and i first signed up for a Facebook account. This was when it was extremely popular among young people and near enough everyone and i remember this is also when cyber bullying became much more prominent online, this shaped the way people used the media. Also 5 years ago i wouldn't have been surprised to see a newspaper or two in my house everyday but now i only see them in shops and supermarkets. The change on the print industry in the last 5 years has been monumental and now i find myself; instead of reading a newspaper, viewing the stories online through an app. The content hasn't really changed, just the way we view it.