Friday 10 March 2017

week 23:story 46

With the power of online transparency, together we can beat fake news

Last year we saw a proliferation of disinformation online. “Fake news” sites interfered with political discourse and sentiment around the world. Filter bubbles limited our perspectives. Oxford Dictionaries named “post-truth” its international word of the year As we started 2017, we heard new terms, such as “alternative facts”

when a new 2,000 rupee bill was introduced, fake news claimed that the bill was equipped with a surveillance chip. Later debunked, the “news” spread like wildfire on the messaging platform WhatsApp, which has 50 million monthly users in India.

Fake news is being dealt with in a similar way to global warming, all of the rich and powerful people are complaining about it and pouring some time and money into helping it, but no one knows really how to stop it and by the time its taken over the internet it will be to late,

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