Friday 10 March 2017

NDM stories index updated

  1. Liberty media plant to buy majority shares in Formula 1
  2. Robots will eliminate 6% of US jobs in the future
  3. Why facebook is public enemy number 1 for journalism
  4. Revenues from TV advertising exceed $5billion for the first time
  5. Daily Mail owner to cut more than 400 jobs across the company
  6. BBC responds to claims about how it will issues out the new iplayer with the TV licence
  7. corruption in investigative journalism 
  8. Twitter could be running out of time
  9. BBC sutdios to cut 300 staff in a cost saving attempt 
  10. New ways ordinary people can get involved in news reporting
  11. Donald Trump would be a threat to press freedom
  12. Facebook and Twitter join to tackle fake news
  13. Newspaper industry in Ireland starts to decline 
  14. Twitter to cut staff after a slow quarter 
  15. Sam Allerdyce and investigative reporting 
  16. Googles digital news initiative 
  17. Google gives money to companies to tackle fake news (fact checking)
  18. Three to block mobile advertising on network
  19. BBC to broadcast news programmes in North Korea 
  20. Politics has gone wrong, is digital technology to blame
  21. Putin brings China's great firewall to Russia 
  22. Daily Mail and News values
  23. New Zealand Media merger 
  24. Metro climbs to second place  in the circulation league 
  25. AT&T & Time Warner have talks over $85 billion acquisition 
  26. News corp Australia announce redundancies and cost cutting plans
  27. Film and TV ​streaming and downloads overtake DVD sales for first time
  28. Daily Mail publisher turns to price rise to counter advertising slump
  29. Facebook unveils measures to promote stronger ties with news industry
  30. Why the BBC will struggle to make iPlayer as good as Netflix
  31. 'Enterprise revenues' offer newspapers a lifeline for the future
  32. BBC sets up team to debunk fake news
  33. Popular newspapers suffer greater circulation falls than qualities
  34. Channel 4 to run week of programmes on fake news
  35. Winning back advertisers is key to saving the newspaper industry
  36. Fox News deletes false Québec shooting tweet after Canadian PM's office steps in
  37. In a post-factual presidency, Trump can play both victor and victim
  38. Fake news and fact-checking: Trump is demonstrating how to outsmart an AI
  39. With the power of online transparency, together we can beat fake news
  40. Twitter accounts really are echo chambers, study finds
  41. BBC crew attacked in China and forced to sign confession
  42. BBC focus too middle aged and middle class, says Ofcom chief
  43. Guardian asking for donations 
  44. We’re over the digital revolution. This is the age of experience
  45. Fake news inquiry to review social networks' complaints procedures
  46. With the power of online transparency, together we can beat fake news
  47. Digital democracy: lessons from Brazil, Iceland and Spain
  48. Bad news for online advertisers – you’ve been ’ad

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