Thursday 19 January 2017

week 17: story 33

Popular newspapers suffer greater circulation falls than qualities

Papers for sale, but fewer want to buy them.

  • The Daily Express, for example, sold an average of 391,626 copies a day in December 2016, down by 2.3% on the same month the year before.
  • ts stablemate, the cut-price Daily Star (which boasts every day of being 20p cheaper than the 50p Sun), was down by 2.5% to 440,471.
  • Daily Mirror was the largest year-on-year faller, down by 11.7% to an average daily sale of just 716,923 copies
  • Not that the market-leading Sun did much better: down by 10.5% to 1,611,464.

  • The Daily Mail will hardly celebrate the fact that its own year-on-year decrease, at 6.7%, is running ahead of the Express’s decline. Its headline total, 1,491,264, relied on 66,000 bulks
  • e Guardian fell by 3% on the year (to 161,191)
  • i, which has been doing rather well for several months, slipped backwards to 264,067.

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