Friday 20 January 2017

January assessment: Learner response

January assessment: Learner response

Mark- 31 

www: There's lots to credit here. very good focus on the question and both sides of the argument addressed, some use of examples and theory too. 

EBI: You loose it a little towards the end: Timing?, Several of the things in your conclusion need their own detailed paragraph, Marxism, Pluralism, hegemony, globalisation and cultural imperialism.

You've misses out some major recent examples, Brexit? Trump? so much potential here, could offer more in terms of theory too.

  1. "A good essay showing good critical autonomy" The first point for my essay would be a level 3, this is because there were relevant points that could have been made and not enough wider context was included to get the level 4.
  2. "Proficient understanding of NDM", This also gets a level 3 in my opinion as good examples were used in the essay that related specifically to new and digital media
  3. "A sharp/clear focus on the question", This would get a level 3/4 as there is good focus on the question throughout and my points consistently linked back to the words in the question.
  4.  "Adequate application of media debates, issues and theories and/or wider contexts", this got a level 2 as there was many things missed out and not much focus on recent events 
  5. "Well structured and clearly expressed", this just got a level 3 i think as the essay was not finished and some of the paragraphs lacked depth.
 Look at the Examiners' Report for this particular paper. Read page 10 - Section B New/digital media. How many of the good points or higher level answer examples did you include in your essay? What were they? What could you have added to improve your mark?

  • "The impact NDM has had on enabling audiences to participate" i could have added more real life examples relating to the news industry 
  • Could have mentioned wider issues and debates and not just focused on the impact of news, relate close to the case study 
  • Could of included more about the changing role of producers and consumers, only mentioned it briefley and didn't give examples
  • mentioned one good example of how media organisations hold power and related it to the news case study, could have included more of the bigger debates 
  • did look at both sides, could have been more balanced

A grade answers:

  • I could include more than one example per paragraph 
  • Show a variety of examples including statistics and others

LR paragraph:

New and digital media has meant that anyone can produce news if they have the right equipment. This has led to the rise of the citizen journalist. The impact NDM has had here couldn't be more democratic and empowering as it is a freedom pass for people. The whole idea surrounding citizen journalist first came to light with the Rodney King case in America (1991) where man filmed an illegal police beating, such action caused the LA riots. This all took place because a man with a simple video camera decided to share his footage with the world and since then and with other scenarios like the filming of the murder of Ian Tomlinson in the G20 protests in London reforms have been made and that is all because people were made free by NDM to share and create news. In the 21st century the most popular way that a citizen journalist can share their content is through smartphones, this development in technology has empowered audiences to not accept filtered news selected by Gatekeepers of large media organisations like CNN and ITN news.

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